Moscow Mathematical Journal
Volume 17, Issue 4, October–December 2017 pp. 757–786.
Persistence Modules with Operators in Morse and Floer Theory
Leonid Polterovich (1), Egor Shelukhin (2), and Vukašin Stojisavljević (1)
Author institution:(1) School of Mathematical Sciences, Tel Aviv University
(2) IAS, Princeton, and DMS at U. of Montreal
We introduce a new notion of persistence modules endowed with operators. It encapsulates the additional structure on Floer-type persistence modules coming from the intersection product with classes in the ambient (quantum) homology, along with a few other geometric situations. We provide sample applications to the C0-geometry of Morse functions and to Hofer’s geometry of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms that go beyond spectral invariants and traditional persistent homology.
2010 Math. Subj. Class. Primary: 53D40; Secondary: 58E05.
Keywords: Symplectic manifold, Hamiltonian diffeomorphism, Floer homology, persistence module, barcode.
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