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Moscow Mathematical Journal

Volume 24, Issue 2, April–June 2024  pp. 145–180.

Holomorphically Finitely Generated Hopf Algebras and Quantum Lie Groups

Authors:  O. Yu. Aristov (1)
Author institution:(1) Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China


We study topological Hopf algebras that are holomorphically finitely generated (HFG) as Fréchet Arens–Micheal algebras in the sense of Pirkovskii. Some of them, but not all, can be obtained from affine Hopf algebras by applying the analytization functor. We show that a commutative HFG Hopf algebra is always an algebra of holomorphic functions on a complex Lie group (actually a Stein group), and prove that the corresponding categories are equivalent. With a compactly generated complex Lie group $G$, Akbarov associated a cocommutative topological Hopf algebra, the algebra ${\mathscr A}_{\mathrm{exp}}(G)$ of exponential analytic functionals. We show that it is HFG but not every cocommutative HFG Hopf algebra is of this form. In the case when $G$ is connected, using previous results of the author we establish a theorem on the analytic structure of ${\mathscr A}_{\mathrm{exp}}(G)$. It depends on the large-scale geometry of $G$. We also consider some interesting examples including complex-analytic analogues of classical $\hbar$-adic quantum groups.

2020 Math. Subj. Class. Primary: 17B37, 46H35, 22E10; Secondary: 32A38, 16S38, 58B34.

Keywords: Holomorphically finitely generated algebra, topological Hopf algebra, Cartier’s theorem, quantum group, Drinfeld–Jimbo algebra, Arens–Michael envelope, complex Lie group, holomorphic function of exponential type.

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