Moscow Mathematical Journal
Volume 23, Issue 2, April–June 2023 pp. 205–242.
Deformation of Quadrilaterals and Addition on Elliptic Curves
The space of quadrilaterals with fixed side lengths is an elliptic curve, for a generic choice of lengths. Darboux used this fact to prove his porism on foldings. We study the spaces of oriented and non-oriented quadrilaterals with fixed side lengths. This is done with the help of the biquadratic relations between the tangents of the half-angles and between the squares of the diagonal lengths, respectively. The duality $(a_1, a_2, a_3, a_4) \leftrightarrow (s-a_1, s-a_2, s-a_3, s-a_4)$ between quadruples of side lengths turns out to preserve the range of the diagonal lengths. In particular, the corresponding spaces of non-oriented quadrilaterals are isomorphic. We show how this is related to Ivory's lemma. Finally, we prove a periodicity condition for foldings, similar to Cayley's condition for the Poncelet porism. 2020 Math. Subj. Class. 52C25, 33E05.
Ivan Izmestiev (1)
Author institution:(1) Institute of Discrete Mathematics and Geometry, Vienna University of Technology, Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8–10, 1040 Vienna, Austria
Keywords: Folding of quadrilaterals, porism, elliptic curve, biquadratic equation.
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