Moscow Mathematical Journal
Volume 20, Issue 1, January–March 2020 pp. 153–183.
Algebraic Curves $A^{\circ l}(x)-U(y)=0$ and Arithmetic of Orbits of Rational Functions
We give a description of pairs of complex rational functions $A$ and $U$ of degree at least two such that for every $d\geq 1$ the
algebraic curve $A^{\circ d}(x)-U(y)=0$ has a factor of genus zero or one. In particular, we show that if $A$ is not a “generalized Lattès map”, then this
condition is satisfied if and only if
there exists a rational function $V$ such that $U\circ V=A^{\circ l}$ for some $l\geq 1$.
We also prove a version of the dynamical Mordell–Lang conjecture,
concerning intersections of
orbits of points from $\mathbb{P}^1(K)$ under iterates of $A$
with the value set $U(\mathbb{P}^1(K))$, where $A$ and $U$ are rational functions defined over a number field $K$.
2010 Math. Subj. Class. Primary: 37F10; Secondary: 37P55, 14G05, 14H45 .
F. Pakovich (1)
Author institution:(1) Department of Mathematics, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, P.O.B. 653 Beer Sheva, 8410501 Israel
Keywords: Semiconjugate rational functions, dynamical Mordell–Lang conjecture, Riemann surface orbifolds, separated variable curves.
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