Moscow Mathematical Journal
Volume 19, Issue 1, January–March 2019 pp. 77–88.
Random Averaging in Ergodic Theorem and Boundary Deformation Rate in Symbolic Dynamics
For some symbolic dynamical systems we study the value
of the boundary deformation for a small ball in the phase space during
a period of time depending on the center and radius of the ball. For
actions of countable Abelian groups, a version of the Mean Ergodic
theorem with averaging over random sets is proved and used in the
proof of the main theorem on deformation rate. 2010 Math. Subj. Class. 28D20, 37A05, 37A30, 37A50, 37B10.
B.M. Gurevich (1) (2), S.A. Komech (2), and A.A. Tempelman (3)
Author institution:(1) Dept. Mech. and Math. Moscow State University, 119991 GSP-1, Moscow, Russia
(2) IITP RAS, Bolshoy Karetny per. 19, build. 1, Lab. 4, Moscow 127051 Russia
(3) Penn State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA
Keywords: Symbolic dynamical systems, topological Markov shift, sofic system, synchronized system, magic word, invariant measure, metric entropy, Mean Ergodic theorem, boundary deformation rate.
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