Moscow Mathematical Journal
Volume 18, Issue 3, July–September 2018 pp. 421–436.
The Groups Generated by Maximal Sets of Symmetries of Riemann Surfaces and Extremal Quantities of their Ovals
Given g ≥ 2, there are formulas for the maximal number
of non-conjugate symmetries of a Riemann surface of genus g and the
maximal number of ovals for a given number of symmetries. Here we
describe the algebraic structure of the automorphism groups of Riemann
surfaces, supporting such extremal configurations of symmetries, showing that they are direct products of a dihedral group and some number
of cyclic groups of order 2. This allows us to establish a deeper relation
between the mentioned above quantitative (the number of symmetries)
and qualitative (configurations of ovals) cases. 2010 Math. Subj. Class. Primary: 30F99; Secondary: 14H37, 20F.
Grzegorz Gromadzki (1) and Ewa Kozłowska-Walania (1)
Author institution:(1) Institute of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, University of Gdańsk, Wita Stwosza 57, 80-952 Gdańsk, Poland
Keywords: Automorphisms of Riemann surfaces, symmetric
Riemann surfaces, real forms of complex algebraic curves, Fuchsian and NEC
groups, ovals of symmetries of Riemann surfaces, separability of symmetries,
Harnack-Weichold conditions.
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