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Moscow Mathematical Journal

Volume 18, Issue 2, April–June 2018

On the Characteristic Foliation on a Smooth Hypersurface in a Holomorphic Symplectic Fourfold
E. Amerik and L. Guseva Moscow Math. J. pp. 193–204
Abstract, references and article information
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A Short Note on Cohomological Dimension
Kamal Bahmanpour, Jafar A'zami, and Ghader Ghasemi Moscow Math. J. pp. 205–210
Abstract, references and article information
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On Factor Complexity of Morphic Sequences
Rostislav Devyatov Moscow Math. J. pp. 211–303
Abstract, references and article information
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Invariants of Fano Varieties in Families
Frank Gounelas and Ariyan Javanpeykar Moscow Math. J. pp. 305–319
Abstract, references and article information
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Exotic Matrix Models: the Albert Algebra and the Spin Factor
Paul E. Gunnells Moscow Math. J. pp. 321–347
Abstract, references and article information
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Joint Value Distribution Theorems for the Riemann and Hurwitz Zeta-Functions
Antanas Laurinčikas Moscow Math. J. pp. 349–366
Abstract, references and article information
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Bounding the Length of Iterated Integrals of the First Nonzero Melnikov Function
Pavao Mardešić, Dmitry Novikov, Laura Ortiz-Bobadilla, and Jessie Pontigo-Herrera Moscow Math. J. pp. 367–386
Abstract, references and article information
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Power Geometry of a Non-Linear Differential Equation
V. S. Samovol Moscow Math. J. pp. 387–402
Abstract, references and article information
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Russian Abstracts
Moscow Math. J. pp. 405–406
Abstract, references and article information
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