Moscow Mathematical Journal
Volume 17, Issue 4, October–December 2017 pp. 757–786.
Persistence Modules with Operators in Morse and Floer Theory
We introduce a new notion of persistence modules endowed
with operators. It encapsulates the additional structure on Floer-type
persistence modules coming from the intersection product with classes
in the ambient (quantum) homology, along with a few other geometric
situations. We provide sample applications to the C0-geometry of Morse
functions and to Hofer’s geometry of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms that
go beyond spectral invariants and traditional persistent homology. 2010 Math. Subj. Class. Primary: 53D40; Secondary: 58E05.
Leonid Polterovich (1), Egor Shelukhin (2), and Vukašin Stojisavljević (1)
Author institution:(1) School of Mathematical Sciences, Tel Aviv University
(2) IAS, Princeton, and DMS at U. of Montreal
Keywords: Symplectic manifold, Hamiltonian diffeomorphism, Floer homology, persistence module, barcode.
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