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Moscow Mathematical Journal

Volume 16, Issue 4, October–December 2016

Morava K-theory rings of the extensions of C2 by the products of cyclic 2-groups
Malkhaz Bakuradze and Natia Gachechiladze Moscow Math. J. pp. 603–619
Abstract, references and article information
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Random Walk in Dynamic Random Environment with Long-Range Space Correlations
C. Boldrighini, R. A. Minlos, and A. Pellegrinotti Moscow Math. J. pp. 621–640
Abstract, references and article information
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A New Formula for Berezin Transforms Attached to Generalized Bergman Spaces on the Unit Ball 𝔹n
Abdelhamid Boussejra and Zouhaïr Mouayn Moscow Math. J. pp. 641–649
Abstract, references and article information
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Fundamental Group and Pluridifferentials on Compact Kähler Manifolds
Yohan Brunebarbe and Frédéric Campana Moscow Math. J. pp. 651–658
Abstract, references and article information
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Automorphisms of Non-Cyclic p-Gonal Riemann Surfaces
Antonio F. Costa and Ruben A. Hidalgo Moscow Math. J. pp. 659–674
Abstract, references and article information
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Affine Connections on Complex Manifolds of Algebraic Dimension Zero
Sorin Dumitrescu and Benjamin McKay Moscow Math. J. pp. 675–689
Abstract, references and article information
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On Full Exceptional Collections of Line Bundles on del Pezzo Surfaces
Alexey Elagin and Valery Lunts Moscow Math. J. pp. 691–709
Abstract, references and article information
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Irreducible Ulrich Bundles on Isotropic Grassmannians
Anton Fonarev Moscow Math. J. pp. 711–726
Abstract, references and article information
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On 2-Diffeomorphisms with One-Dimensional Basic Sets and a Finite Number of Moduli
V. Z. Grines, O. V. Pochinka, and S. Van Strien Moscow Math. J. pp. 727–749
Abstract, references and article information
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Equivariant Versions of Higher Order Orbifold Euler Characteristics
S. M. Gusein-Zade, I. Luengo and A. Melle-Hernández Moscow Math. J. pp. 751–765
Abstract, references and article information
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Divisors on Hurwitz Spaces: An Appendix to `The Cycle Classes of Divisorial Maroni Loci'
Gerard van der Geer and Alexis Kouvidakis Moscow Math. J. pp. 767–774
Abstract, references and article information
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Russian Abstracts
Moscow Math. J. pp. 775–778
Abstract, references and article information
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