Moscow Mathematical Journal
Volume 15, Issue 4, October–December 2015 pp. 805–815.
On Classification of Groups of Points on Abelian Varieties over Finite Fields
In this paper we improve our previous results on classification of groups of points on abelian varieties over finite fields. The
classification is given in terms of the Weil polynomial of abelian varieties
in a given k-isogeny class over a finite field k. 2010 Math. Subj. Class. 14K99, 14G05, 14G15.
Sergey Rybakov
Author institution:Institute for information transmission problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Poncelet laboratory (UMI 2615 of CNRS and Independent University of Moscow), AG Laboratory, HSE, 7 Vavilova str., Moscow, Russia, 117312
Keywords: Abelian variety, the group of rational points, finite field, Newton polygon, Hodge polygon.
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