Moscow Mathematical Journal
Volume 14, Issue 4, October–December 2014 pp. 773–806.
Recursive Towers of Curves over Finite Fields using Graph Theory
We give a new way to study recursive towers of curves over
a finite field, defined à la Elkies from a bottom curve X and a correspondence Γ on X. A close examination of singularities leads to a necessary
condition for a tower to be asymptotically good. Then, spectral theory on a directed graph, Perron–Frobenius theory and considerations
on the class of Γ in NS(X × X) lead to the fact that, under some mild
assumption, a recursive tower can have in some sense only a restricted asymptotic quality. Results are applied to the Bezerra–Garcia–Stichtenoth tower along the paper for illustration. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 11G20, 14G05, 14G15, 14H20, 5C38, 5C50
Emmanuel Hallouin and Marc Perret
Author institution:Université Toulouse 2, 5, allées Antonio Machado, 31058 Toulouse cedex, France
Keywords: Curves over a finite field, curves with many points, graphs, towers of function fields, zeta functions
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