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Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society

Volume 36, Issue 4, December 2021  pp. 291–299.

Fold thickness of graphs

Authors:  T. Reji and S. Vaishnavi
Author institution:Government College, Chittur, Palakkad, Kerala 678~104, India

Summary:  The graph G' obtained from a graph G by identifying two nonadjacent vertices in G having at least one common neighbor and reducing the resulting multiple edges to simple edges is called a 1-fold of G. A uniform k-folding of a graph G is a sequence of graphs G = G{0}, G{1}, G{2}, … , G{k}, where G{i+1} is a 1-fold of G{i} for i=0,1,2, … , k-1 such that all graphs in the sequence are singular or all of them are nonsingular. The largest k for which there exists a uniform k-folding of G is called fold thickness of G and this concept was first introduced in [1]. In this paper, we determine fold thickness of lollipop graph, web graph, helm graph and rooted product of complete graphs and paths.

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