Moscow Mathematical Journal
Volume 20, Issue 3, July–September 2020
A Generalization of the Fejér–Jackson Inequality and Related Results
Horst Alzer and Man Kam Kwong
Moscow Math. J.
pp. 441–451
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Maximum Number of Points on Intersection of a Cubic Surface and a Non-Degenerate Hermitian Surface
Peter Beelen and Mrinmoy Datta
Moscow Math. J.
pp. 453–474
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Extended r-Spin Theory and the Mirror Symmetry for the Ar−1-Singularity
Alexandr Buryak
Moscow Math. J.
pp. 475–493
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The Asymptotic Behaviour of the Sequence of Solutions for a Family of Equations Involving p(⋅)-Laplace Operators
Maria Fărcăşeanu and Mihai Mihăilescu
Moscow Math. J.
pp. 495–509
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Characteristic Points, Fundamental Cubic Form and Euler Characteristic of Projective Surfaces
Maxim Kazarian and Ricardo Uribe-Vargas
Moscow Math. J.
pp. 511–530
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Functional Equations of Nekrasov Functions Proposed by Ito, Maruyoshi, and Okuda
Ryo Ohkawa
Moscow Math. J.
pp. 531–573
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Moduli of Tango Structures and Dormant Miura Opers
Yasuhiro Wakabayashi
Moscow Math. J.
pp. 575–636
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Russian Abstracts
Moscow Math. J.
pp. 638–640
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