Moscow Mathematical Journal
Volume 21, Issue 4, October–December 2021
The Boundary of the Orbital Beta Process
Theodoros Assiotis and Joseph Najnudel
Moscow Math. J.
pp. 659–694
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Generalized Connections, Spinors, and Integrability of Generalized Structures on Courant Algebroids
Vicente Cortés and Liana David
Moscow Math. J.
pp. 695–736
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Hypergraph Matrix Models
Mario DeFranco and Paul E. Gunnells
Moscow Math. J.
pp. 737–766
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M∖L Near 3
Davi Lima, Carlos Matheus, Carlos Gustavo Moreira, and Sandoel Vieira
Moscow Math. J.
pp. 767–788
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On Ennola's Conjecture on Non-Galois Cubic Number Fields with Exceptional Units
Stéphane R. Louboutin
Moscow Math. J.
pp. 789–805
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Hodge Numbers of Generalized Kummer Schemes via Relative Power Structures
Andrew Morrison and Junliang Shen
Moscow Math. J.
pp. 807–830
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Russian Abstracts
Moscow Math. J.
pp. 832–834
Abstract, references and
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