Moscow Mathematical Journal
Volume 21, Issue 2, April–June 2021
Simple Lie Algebras, Drinfeld–Sokolov Hierarchies, and Multi-Point Correlation Functions
Marco Bertola, Boris Dubrovin and Di Yang
Moscow Math. J.
pp. 233–270
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Integrable Deformations of Foliations: a Generalization of Ilyashenko's Result
Dominique Cerveau and Bruno Scárdua
Moscow Math. J.
pp. 271–286
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The Spectrum of a Module along Scheme Morphism and Multi-Operator Functional Calculus
Anar Dosi
Moscow Math. J.
pp. 287–323
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Rota–Baxter Operators on Unital Algebras
V. Gubarev
Moscow Math. J.
pp. 325–364
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Spectra of Quadratic Vector Fields on C2: the Missing Relation
Yury Kudryashov and Valente Ramírez
Moscow Math. J.
pp. 365–382
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Goldie Ranks of Primitive Ideals and Indexes of Equivariant Azumaya Algebras
Ivan Losev and Ivan Panin
Moscow Math. J.
pp. 383–399
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Categorical vs Topological Entropy of Autoequivalences of Surfaces
Dominique Mattei
Moscow Math. J.
pp. 401–412
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Smooth Local Normal Forms of Hyperbolic Roussarie Vector Fields
N.G. Pavlova and A.O. Remizov
Moscow Math. J.
pp. 413–426
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Representations of Finite-Dimensional Quotient Algebras of the 3-String Braid Group
Pavel Pyatov and Anastasia Trofimova
Moscow Math. J.
pp. 427–442
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Ernest Borisovich Vinberg (obituary)
Moscow Math. J.
pp. 443–446
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Russian Abstracts
Moscow Math. J.
pp. 449–415
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