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Journal of Operator Theory

Volume 30, Issue 1, Summer 1993

Maximal abelian and singular subalgebras in L(F_N)
Viorel Nicica and Andrei Torok
J. Operator Theory pp. 3-19
Abstract, references and article information
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Furuta's inequality and its application to the relative operator entropy
Takayuki Furuta
J. Operator Theory pp. 21-30
Abstract, references and article information
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A Hilbert-Schmidt norm equality associated with the Fuglede-Putnam-Rosenblum's type theorem for generalized multipliers
Danko R. Jocic
J. Operator Theory pp. 31-40
Abstract, references and article information
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Spectral invariance and tameness of pseudo-differential operators on weighted Sobolev spaces
Josefina Alvarez and Jorge Hounie
J. Operator Theory pp. 41-67
Abstract, references and article information
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On commutants of subnormal operators
Warren R. Wogen
J. Operator Theory pp. 69-75
Abstract, references and article information
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Automorphisms of tensor products of irrational rotation C*-algebras and the C* -algebra of compact operators II
Kazunori Kodaka
J. Operator Theory pp. 77-84
Abstract, references and article information
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Endomorphisms of B(H) and Cuntz algebras
Marcelo Laca
J. Operator Theory pp. 85-108
Abstract, references and article information
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On homogeneous contractions and unitary representations of SU(1,1)
Douglas N. Clark and Gadadhar Misra
J. Operator Theory pp. 109-122
Abstract, references and article information
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On generalized Cuntz C*-algebras
Hung T. Dinh
J. Operator Theory pp. 123-135
Abstract, references and article information
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Some comparability results in inductive limit C*-algebras
Mircea Martin and Cornel Pasnicu
J. Operator Theory pp. 137-147
Abstract, references and article information
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On the uniqueness of the trace on some simple C*-algebras
Eric Bedos
J. Operator Theory pp. 149-160
Abstract, references and article information
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C*-algebras of unitary rank two
Uffe Haagerup and Mikael Rørdam
J. Operator Theory pp. 161-171
Abstract, references and article information
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Invariance par conjugaison unitaire pour des semi-normes de type l^p sur les matrices
Gilles Cassier and Jean Dazord
J. Operator Theory pp. 173-197
Abstract, references and article information
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