Journal of Operator Theory
Volume 80, Issue 1, Summer 2018
Topologies for which every nonzero vector is hypercyclic
Henrik Petersson
J. Operator Theory
pp. 3-24
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Classification of uniform Roe algebras of locally finite groups
Kang Li and Hung-Chang Liao
J. Operator Theory
pp. 25-46
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A combinatorial result on asymptotic independence relations for
random matrices with non-commutative entries
Zhiwei Hao and Mihai Popa
J. Operator Theory
pp. 47-76
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Faithfulness of the Fock representation of the C∗-algebra
generated by qij-commuting isometries
Alexey Kuzmin and Nikolay Pochekai
J. Operator Theory
pp. 77-93
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A functional analytic perspective to the div-curl lemma
Marcus Waurick
J. Operator Theory
pp. 95-111
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Taylor asymptotics of spectral action functionals
Anna Skripka
J. Operator Theory
pp. 113-124
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Maximal amenability of the generator subalgebra in
q-Gaussian von Neumann algebras
Sandeepan Parekh, Koichi Shimada,
and Chenxu Wen
J. Operator Theory
pp. 125-152
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Group-like projections for locally compact quantum groups
Ramin Faal and Pawel Kasprzak
J. Operator Theory
pp. 153-166
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The orbit spaces of groupoids whose C∗-algebras are GCR
Daniel W. van Wyk
J. Operator Theory
pp. 167-185
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Maximally unitarily mixed states on a C∗-algebra
Robert Archbold, Leonel Robert, and Aaron Tikuisis
J. Operator Theory
pp. 187-211
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Multiplicative structures of hypercyclic functions for
convolution operators
Luis Bernal-Gonzalez, J. Alberto Conejero, George Costakis,
and Juan B. Seoane-Sepulveda
J. Operator Theory
pp. 213-224
Abstract, references and
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Standard versus strict bounded real lemma
with infinite-dimensional state space. I. The state-space-similarity approach
Joseph A. Ball, Gilbert J. Groenewald,
and Sanne Ter Horst
J. Operator Theory
pp. 225-253
Abstract, references and
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