Journal of Operator Theory
Volume 92, Issue 2, Autumn 2024 pp. 305-329.
On transitive operator algebras in real Banach spaces
Edward Kissin (1), Victor S. Shulman (2), and Yurii V. Turovskii (3)
Author institution:
(1) London Metropolitan University, 166-220 Holloway Road,
London N7 8DB, U.K.
(2) Department of Mathematics, Vologda State University, Vologda,
(3) Department of Mathematics, Vologda State University, Vologda,
Summary: We consider weakly closed transitive algebras of operators containing non-zero
compact operators in real Banach spaces (Lomonosov algebras). It is shown that
they are naturally divided in three classes: the algebras of real, complex and
quaternion classes. The properties and characterizations of algebras in each
class as well as some useful examples are presented. It is shown that in
separable real Hilbert spaces there is a continuum of pairwise non-similar
Lomonosov algebras of complex type and of quaternion type.
Keywords: real Banach space, spectrum, operator algebra, invariant subspace, density theorem
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