Journal of Operator Theory
Volume 67, Issue 2, Spring 2012 pp. 437-467.
Proper actions of groupoids on C∗-algebrasAuthors: Jonathan Henry Brown
Author institution: Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Otago, P.O. Box 56, Dunedin 9054, New Zealand
Summary: In 1990, Rieffel defined a notion of proper action of a group H on a C∗-algebra A. He then defined a generalized fixed point algebra Aα for this action and showed that Aα is Morita equivalent to an ideal of the reduced crossed product. We generalize Rieffel's notion to define proper groupoid dynamical systems and show that the generalized fixed point algebra for proper groupoid actions is Morita equivalent to a subalgebra of the reduced crossed product. We give some nontrivial examples of proper groupoid dynamical systems and show that if (\A,G,α) is a groupoid dynamical system such that G is principal and proper, then the action of G on \A is saturated, that is the generalized fixed point algebra is Morita equivalent to the reduced crossed product.
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