Journal of Operator Theory
Volume 62, Issue 2, Fall 2009 pp. 371-419.
Rectangular random matrices, entropy, and Fisher's informationAuthors: Florent Benaych-Georges
Author institution: LPMA, UPMC Univ Paris 6, Case courier 188, 4, Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France
CMAP, \'Ecole Polytechnique, route de Saclay, 91128 Palaiseau Cedex, France
Summary: We prove that independent rectangular random matrices, when embedded in an algebra of larger square matrices, are asymptotically free with amalgamation over a commutative finite dimensional subalgebra \D (under an hypothesis of unitary invariance). Then we consider elements of a W∗-probability space containing \D, which have kernel and range projection in \D. We associate to them a free entropy constructed with micro-states given by rectangular matrices. We also associate to them a free Fisher's information with a conjugate variables approach. Both approaches give rise to optimization problems whose solutions involve freeness with amalgamation over \D. It could possibly be a first proposition for the study of sets of operators between different Hilbert spaces with the tools of free probability. As an application, we prove a result of freeness with amalgamation between the two parts of the polar decomposition of R-diagonal elements with nontrivial kernel.
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